Daily Mom Hug
Your Mom PSA Podcast
Listen to Your Mom | It's OK to take a break

Listen to Your Mom | It's OK to take a break

You are allowed to take a step back for your mental health

Good Morning, fam, this is your internet mom with your Daily Mom Hug.

I just wanted to touch base with you this Wednesday morning and let you know that I am thinking about you and that you woke up worthy of love and respect this morning.

As we continue our way through 2024, I know that it can be really easy to get stuck in what's going on in the world.

To be fair, there's a lot going on in the world right now.

However, there is nothing wrong with stepping back away from all the chaos for a break.

You alone cannot fix what's going on in Palestine, what's going on in Ukraine, what's going on with the wealth inequality here in the United States, among the other problems that we have here.

And it is not solely on your shoulders to fix it.

Now, of course, if you can help and donate and whether it's money or time, that's fantastic.


But it's also fantastic for your sanity to not be fully engaged 100% of the time.

Everybody needs a break.

And if anyone gives you crap about that, you let them know that your mom said you could

I'm going to try to make Wednesdays audio podcast days as I try to get this thing, this, um, sub stack back off the ground.

I appreciate all you guys do.

And every time you share, uh, with your friends and family, um, I get a little heart flutter, nothing my doctors worried about, but love from you guys.


So we're halfway through the week.

You Have My Permission to Take a Break.

Please take your meds if you have meds.

Please drink your water.

And I will see you next Wednesday.


Love, Mom

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Daily Mom Hug
Your Mom PSA Podcast
Your Daily Dose of Life Advice
CL Huth is a mental health advocate with a deep understanding of what it is to not have people in your life to give you the encouragement and motivational pep talks you need. Also gives mom hugs IRL.