Daily Mom Hug
Your Mom PSA Podcast
Listen to Your Mom | Celebrate Your Little Successes

Listen to Your Mom | Celebrate Your Little Successes

Listen to Your Mom Podcast, Episode 5

Today's mom PSA:

Do you know what I wish that we did more of? I wish we celebrated the little successes.

Did you get out of bed today? Good for you! That is a success!

Did you manage a shower today? Good for you! That is a success!

Did you, you know, do something small… that’s big for you? That’s a success!

We spend so much of our lives being judged by success, as it’s measured by someone else’s ruler, and it is ridiculous, because they don't live our lives, they don't pay our bills, they don't walk in our shoes, more importantly, they don't walk in our heads. So why are we giving them space to judge us for these things?

We should stop.

And not only should we stop letting them in and letting them influence into our spaces, we need to figure out how to remove their echoes from inside our heads. Because I don't know about you, but for me, a lot of my self-doubt, a lot of my imposter syndrome, looks a lot like the voices of people in my past who've told me there is no way that I could have done anything that is considered as a success in my world.

I made stickers today -- huge success! Want to kill my Cricut, but I still made stickers. I packed up books that somebody else bought from me today. That is a success! More of a success? It's going in the mail tomorrow, so yay!

But that's what we got to do, folks. We've got to figure out a way to ignore the voices, and yes, I know, this is easier said than done.  Like everything else I've ever told you, this requires practice, and sometimes you're going to fail. As long as you get backup, that's okay!

Back to my point, my point being that you are worthy. Just the way you are. Am I saying that you can't grow as a person? Heck, no! But I'm saying grow on your terms. Grow because you want to, because you want to change your life.

Don't grow to reach somebody else's ruler, because that will not serve you. It might serve you momentarily, but in the long run, you're going to resent them, you're going to resent yourself, and you will have lost time better spent on things you love. And you, which by the way should be something that you love, but I know that's a work in progress. That's okay!

So, I just want to wrap up today by telling you that life is hard. There is no sense in making it harder by listening to bullshit from other people. You want someone to tell it to you straight? I absolutely will, but most of those people are self-serving and do not have your best interest in mind.

So, until tomorrow!

I love you guys!


Daily Mom Hug
Your Mom PSA Podcast
Your Daily Dose of Life Advice
CL Huth is a mental health advocate with a deep understanding of what it is to not have people in your life to give you the encouragement and motivational pep talks you need. Also gives mom hugs IRL.