Daily Mom Hug | No One Else Can Be You
There's only one you, and only you know who that looks like.
Good morning, fam! Today, let’s talk about being special, and what that means when we talk about you.
You are special.
Let me repeat that.
You are special.
I know that you’ve probably grown up being told that there is nothing special about you, that you are a burden, useless…worthless.
But listen to me: These are lies told by people who are miserable, who sought to make themselves feel better by belittling and devaluing you. This was not a true assessment of your value, because they never really saw you.
And as adults, it’s really easy to fall into the dark whirlpool that they were somehow right, as their abuse and neglect has made an indelible mark on our existence. I’m here to remind you that, as adults, we can choose differently for ourselves.
I see you. The wondrous, amazing person that you are. Not because of the childhood trauma that wants to seep into your adulthood, but in spite of it.
You are special.
This world is better with you in it.
And I am so happy that you’re part of mine.
Much love to you,
Your Mom
And YOU are special!