Good morning, fam.
I know you’re going through a lot right now between the dumpster fire that is the world right now and the continued division turning into legislation against us and the people we love.
Add all that to anything and everything going on in your head, in your little corner of existence, and those brain gremlins can be hella loud!
I mean, I feel like my depression is depressed, and my anxiety is hella anxious. And while personally I’m doing leff of that whole’700 tabs open, one’s playing music, half of them are frozen’, I have recently needed to restart my system.
And that’s kinda what I want to do for you today. I wanna remind you that:
you’re not alone in this,
these feelings that you’re having are legitimate, and
you are entitled to have them.
I just always say don’t live there.
You can feel it today, but you need to find something to keep moving. I’m not saying you have to be happy while you move forward, but just keep moving. It could be starting a blog, like I did here, or a new hobby, or getting back into the stuff that you love. And yes, I know that’s really, really hard when you’re in an episode.
But you can do it.
And you don’t have to do it alone. So if you need to talk, shoot me an email or a message, and I will do my best to help you out, to direct you to resources or just listen.
And before you even start with the “I don’t want to be a burden”, I want to remind you that you are helping me when you let me help you.
You don’t have to carry this burden alone.
My world is better for your existence in it.
So, until tomorrow.
Your Mom